Let’s Fill the Capitol!

Last year, SALDEF asked Sikh American youth if they wanted a leadership training program that gave them the opportunity to spend the summer on Capitol Hill while working with a member of Congress – and they responded enthusiastically! We received an overwhelming number of applicants for the SikhLEAD Internship Program. In order to accommodate the growing needs of our talented Sikh American applicant pool we need YOUR help. We are asking you to help SALDEF achieve it’s Vaisakhi fundraising goal of $50,000 through our “Fill the Capitol” campaign. Your contributions over the next 30 days will directly support youth development and ensure that the next generation of Sikh Americans is well equipped to move our community forward!

Fill the Capitol with Sikhs—Give your 100% Tax Deductible Donation Today

Consider this. A contribution of:

  • $500 will cover travel costs to and from DC for one student
  • $1500 will cover the stipend for one student’s 10-week stay in DC
  • $3000 will support SALDEF in building a program which brings more Sikh Americans to DC than any other group

Your generous donation is an investment in our collective future. These Sikh Americans are the leaders of tomorrow. Shouldn’t they be prepared to actively lead and move our Sikh American goals forward? Please take a few moments to help us Fill the Capitol with a tax deductible donation today. Invest in our Sikh American youth today and secure a brighter future for Sikh Americans tomorrow!